Our Leaders
First Lady - Collette E. Williams

Sis. Beverly Anderson - Secretary Head Usher
A member of New Hope Fellowship Church for 13 years. She serves as Head Usher and Church Secretary. As a member of the Leadership team she assists with activities planning among other roles.
Sis. Anderson is wife to her darling husband Gregory Anderson, a mother to-Sheldon, Shanique, Narval and Grecori and a grandmother of 7. Sis. Anderson aim to please the King of Kings by introducing others to Him, and to be a beacon in this world. “My desire is to hear my Savior say, well done, thou good and faithful servant…”

Karlene Gonzales - Praise and Worship Ministry Leader
Karlene has led Praise and Worship for New Hope Fellowship since 2004.
Dedicated Servant who is passionate about Worship.
Her greatest desire is to create a Worship experience that will bring you to encounter God's presence. It is safe to say that she is all about praising and declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Deacon Barbara Kpassou - Watch Care Ministry
A New Hope Fellowship member since 2011. Currently a Special Education Teacher at a middle school in Broward County. Member of the Leadership Team and Praise and Worship Team.
Mother of three (Latrell, Raven & Caleb) and grandmother of three (Christyn, Caitlin, Christopher) ... Desire to see souls come into the kingdom ... strives to make Jesus the center of my joy every day!

Daniela Stampley - Youth Ministry Leader

Jay McGrath - Deacon

Sister Jacqueline McGrath - Treasurer

Karlene Gonzales - Praise and Worship/Minister of Music

Minister Barbara A. Kpassou - Sick and Shut- in Ministry
Member of New Hope Fellowship since 2011. Member of the Praise & Worship Team. Enjoys sharing a word to bring hope to the hopeless, discouraged and the depressed. Loves serving the Lord with gladness and praying until every mountain hears and obeys the voice of God.
Mother to 3 beautiful and amazing children and “Nana” to 3 adorable grandchildren. Special education teacher at a middle school in Martin County.